What do i do with my primed blank?

Anything you like! You can keep it the color that it arrives and have it a display piece, or you can paint over it! You can spray paint it another color, or paint it using acrylic or enamel paints like a cannon book character, a character of your own or adapt an exiting character to fit the resin base! You may even want to use special metalizing powders or paste (such as Rub N’ Buff) to turn it into a metalized statue! I recommend using a black primed blank if you would like to metalize it. If you choose to paint or metalize you primed blank, I would absolutely LOVE to see it!!

Why does my brimed blank or custom have holes in the bottom of it?

This is a fantastic question that I receive from time to time. Simply put its so they don’t explode! Okay, so maybe its not that dramatic, but it is so they don’t end up cracking later on during their lifetime. Because resins need to be hollowed for the layers to cure correctly during printing, I add holes to both the top and bottom of resins. I fill in the top holes after the curing and right before I prime them, but the bottom holes I keep open. I choose to do this as the alternative would be to trade off looks for them eventually cracking in the future. I place these holes in areas that won’t be seen unless you turn over the figure, then you will definably see them. Unless you have the necessary knowledge on how to cure and/or dispose of uncured resin I DO NOT suggest filling in these holes. If you choose to paint your dragon please be sure to leave the at least one ( but preferably more) holes open. If you accidentally paint over the holes take a tooth pick and open it back up to avoid risk of cracking.

My resin arrived broken! what do i do?

Unfortunately this does happen. While I try my best to not let this happen and package my figure with extreme care, from time to time small pieces may break off s in transit. This is unavoidable and while its a rarity, here’s what to do if it happens to you. If you can find the other broken piece, make sure to sand both pieces of the break. Them apply cyanoacrylate liquid (not gel, it will not bond correctly with the resin) super glue to both sides and hold for 30 seconds till hardened. The superglue will bind the resin back together. I recommend afterward putting a clear coat overtop of the break to prevent further breaks.

All orders over $40 come with a free repair kit.

May i have the model files to print my own dragons?

Unfortunately, as per my license for these files, I cannot distribute them in the digital form. You may purchase the files to print yourself if you wish from the original creator over at ——> https://cults3d.com/en/users/FomalhautART/creations